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HR: The Fair Work Act & Workplace behaviour

Technological and social change is occurring at lightening speed and even more so over the past 3 years during Covid.

Managers in particular need to navigate and guide their teams through a complex social, political, and legal landscape and individuals need to understand their rights and responsibilities to ensure a compliant, safe workplace.


Australia has a robust fair work legislation framework that provides structure, guidance, and protection for businesses, managers, and employees however it’s imperative that everyone understands the essentials since it is binding regardless of our knowledge of it.


This is especially important when you consider that a breach of the Fair Work legislation can lead to civil and criminal charges for both the business, and for you as an individual.


Key Account Management Foundations

This KAM program provides a solid foundation on which to build advanced commercial skills for advanced sales teams, or those working in complex markets.


Moving away from traditional sales approaches, this program introduces a collaborative approach to account management and customer partnership by introducing a stratageic framework that uncovers, prioritises, and implements opportunities that satisfy the respective needs of both the sales team, and the key accounts.


With a blend of traditional SFE and analytics, strategic planning, and collaborative negotiation, this program introduces a consistent framework that commercial teams can use to coordinate internal and external partners to better analyse, understand, and support key customer relationships.


Field Coaching for Sales Teams

Coaching is an essential part of professional development, as it ensures that skills and knowledge are actively practiced and applied so that the skills become integrated. Coaching conversations allow effective guidance of individuals to reflect, explore, and problem solve – supporting personal development, confidence, and competency in line with situational leadership models.


A structured approach to coaching supports a positive, stress free experience whereby individuals are able to safely and confidently explore and share new ideas and skills.


Patient Centric Sales

The sales landscape is rapidly changing, with access, covid, technology, and customer expectations all impacting the established sales process. Research by Bryter Training and the Sales Executive Council identified that customers value sales teams that;


  • Offer unique perspectives into the market

  • Help them navigate options

  • Help to avoid problems or risks

  • Consider solutions which satisfy efficacy, logistics, and strategic needs


As such, an effective sales model can ensure that a truly collaborative approach is taken so that both customers and sales teams are able to work synergistically for mutual benefit.


The patient centric sales model is a memorable, easily applicable framework that ensures effective delivery of sales strategies, while still allowing sales teams to remain flexible, adapt to customer needs, and apply their own unique style.


Let's Work Together

©2020 by Bryter Training

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